Wednesday 15 December 2010

Dreamland- Film Treatment

Dreamland is the title for our thriller film, in which we will be making the opening.

Dreamland will feature physcological, supernatural and gory elements, linked to our target audience expectations, who are teenagers and young adults.

Back story

Danny, single parent of Hannah, lives a mundane life. Since the death of his partner Danny has conformed to the social expectations of having a everyday job, and spending the weekend with friends enjoying the football. His partner Jade, who passed away on his birthday was a model. She had been in a past relationship where she was mis-treated and abused by her then boyfriend. Danny met jade whilst they were at a bar one night. An argument sparked up between Jade and her past boyfriend, where Danny stepped in and protected her. The boyfriend's friends dragged Danny outside where they were to beat him. Danny at this point was in the special forces; he took on the group of several men and took them all down one by one, where there was only the current boyfriend of Jane left standing. He gave him the chance to walk away leaving Jade alone, but the boyfriend instead shot at Danny, hitting him in the leg, and continued to shoot himself.

Danny left the forces due to his injury, and Jade and Danny fell in love.

Current tense-Story opening narrative

Danny and Hannah are in bed, comfortably asleep, leading to them both arriving at the same dream. They are watching a girl on a swing, with her singing nursery rhyme. Then her voice comes over the top, almost super imposed saying "you killed me". Fast flicks of images such as toys, a lake, a gravestone and the backalley where Danny saw the past boyfriend of Jane shoot himself. Hannah and Danny are in great distress as they find them selves find themselves within a room on their own, themselves to their own dream. More fast flickering images occur such as Danny firing a gun, Jane looking at a camera and Jane getting beaten by her ex-boyfriend. These are more narrative clues. Hannah and Danny continue to get dragged down a corridor by an un-seen force(screams, nail dragging). Hannah is the laying within a dark room, where the face of the girl flicks up, right in front of her saying "now i'll kill you". From this we see Hannah sit up in her bed, open her eyes where she has only white irises and cough up blood all over her white sheets. The titles will ensue from this point.

Future narrative of the film

After the titles is the lead up to the point of Hannah's death, with Danny in the special forces and Jade getting abused. The bar scene where the death of the current boyfriend of Jade dies happens. The opening scene is then shown, but cut about so it is faster pa to not be repetitive. The rest will be Danny fighting to stay alive within his dream, where he finds Hannah within his dream dead. Danny commits suicide within the dream, where we see Danny repeat what Hannah did when she wakes and dies from her dream(graphic match). This shows that the girl throughout in the dream was the child Jade would have had with her ex-boyfriend, even if it was un-wanted.

Conventions addressed
Cut about time codes
Effective meaningful light
Personal and global quests(staying alive, saving his daughter)
Personal pasts repeating

1 comment:

  1. Remember that you only have 2mins to use and I Think that you might be being too ambitious with what you can fit into that two mins. Have a close look at previous students work to see what is possible in two mins.
    There are A LOT of other things that need to be on this bog!. Remember that time management is part of the criteria and that means regular blogging!!!
